
来源 :妇女生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiajiawangwang
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2016年1月1日起,全面二孩政策进入实施阶段,不少职场女性面临两难抉择:想生二孩,又存在各种担忧。据媒体报道,不同年龄段的女性,担忧也各有不同,“90后”嫌贵,“70后”嫌累,“80后”嫌忙。而“80后”女性被视为二孩生育主力军,她们处于最佳生育期,也正处于事业黄金期,生二孩对职业发展的影响尤为明显。那么,到底要二孩还是要事业?能否两者兼得,或者把不利影响降到最低呢? Since January 1, 2016, a comprehensive two-child policy has entered the implementation phase. Many women in the workplace are facing a dilemma: they want to have two children and have various concerns. According to media reports, females of different ages have different concerns. They are too concerned about their post-90s, post-70s, post-80s. And “80 ” women are regarded as the main force of second child birth, they are in the best growing period, is also in the golden age of business, students two children particularly affected the career development. So, in the end to the second child or to the cause? Can both have both, or to minimize adverse effects?
“人本原则”是管理学中非常强调的一大原则。一切管理工作都是由人来做的,以人为本是指管理工作必须以调动人的积极性为核心,开发人力资源,做到人尽其才。  学校管理同样如此,在学校的管理中要充分体现“人本原则”,就是要通过对人的内在积极因素的调动和激发,使全体师生在政治思想、道德标准和认识水平等方面呈现出最佳状态,并以主人翁的姿态投入到工作和学习中,从而形成敬业、进取的团队精神。教师在学校管理中既是管理