西番莲系西番莲科西番莲属草质或半木质藤本植物,又名鸡蛋果、百香果、时计果。品种主要有Passiflora edulis(紫果种)和Passiflora edulis f.flavicarpa(黄果种)两大类。蔓长可达10米以上,黄果种及杂交种带紫色,紫果种呈黄绿色。叶腋着生卷须和叶芽,花芽着生在卷须基部。叶片薄革质,长、宽各7~14厘米,掌状,有2个深裂。两性花,单生于叶腋,花大,直径约5厘米,花瓣为披针形,白色,并带有
Passiflora Passiflora Passiflora grass or semi-wood liana, also known as egg fruit, passion fruit, when the fruit. Varieties are mainly Passiflora edulis (purple fruit) and Passiflora edulis f.flavicarpa (yellow fruit) two categories. Man grow up to 10 meters long, yellow fruit and hybrids with purple, purple fruit was yellow-green. Leaf axils with tendrils and leaf buds, flower buds at the base of tendrils. Leaves thin leathery, long, wide 7 to 14 cm, palmately, with 2 parted. Bisexual flowers, solitary in leaf axils, large flowers, ca. 5 cm in diam., Petals lanceolate, white, with