1993年5月,在全国七运会武术预赛暨全国武术锦标赛中,安徽省优秀武术运动员杜新杰一杆银枪似金凤点头,如银蛇狂舞,他以高超的技艺,一举摘得枪术桂冠。这是他第7次登上了全国武术锦标赛枪术冠军的宝座。 刻苦磨砺 初露锋芒 杜新杰,安徽蚌埠人,1970年生。是家中的老小,小新杰是个顽皮、好动的男孩子。 杜新杰习武,跟他的父亲有很大的关系。父亲是个爱体育活动的人。早上5点便喊起熟睡的新杰,带他跑
May 1993, in the national seven martial arts preliminaries and the national martial arts championship, Anhui Province outstanding martial arts athlete Du Xinjie a silver gun like Jinfeng nodded, such as silver snake dance, he was superb art, took gunfire in one fell swoop Laurel crown. This is the seventh time he boarded the national martial arts championship gunner’s throne. Tough tempered early Lu Feng front Du Xinjie, Anhui Bengbu, born in 1970. Is the eldest of the family, Xiao Xinjie is a naughty, restless boy. Du Xinjie martial arts, has a great relationship with his father. Father is a sports person. 5 o’clock in the morning shouted sleeping nephew, take him to run