Zhongmou patients, 25 years old. After 37 weeks of menopause. 40 days after menopause, early pregnancy reaction, pregnant 4 months after a conscious fetal movement. One day before admission no obvious incentive to appear irregular abdominal pain with a large number of hematuria, giving local hospitals to stop bleeding, blood transfusions and other treatment, the symptoms worse and referral. According to escort doctor referral can hear 2 fetal heart sound, 120 beats / min, weak still rules. Past history, personal history no special. Physical examination: T36.5 ℃, P126 times / min, R22 times / min, BP11 / 8kPa. Clear, acute blood loss, palms groan. Skin rash, sclera no yellow dye, superficial lymph nodes is not large. Double lung (a), heart rate 126 beats / min. Law no impurity