众所周知,一直以来,各大服务器厂商都在针对市场和应用需求,探讨提出了这样或那样的服务器技术标准,包括高性能、高可用性、可管理性等等,并进而归纳成企业的的产品理念,比如联想的“eDORAS2”和曙光的“SUMA”。在日前举行的“惠普服务器领航业界新标准——HP Server 2002年新品登陆大会”上,迄今为止连续八年在中国IA服务器市场位居NO.1的惠普终于也明确地提出了自己的六大标准,并将新推出的全线PC服务器产品都纳入了这一标准之下,让人颇有耳目一新之感。
As we all know, all major server vendors have been addressing the market and application needs, and have explored and proposed server technology standards of one kind or another, including high performance, high availability, manageability, and so on, and further summarized the company’s product concept. For example, Lenovo’s “eDORAS2” and Shuguang “SUMA”. Recently held on the “HP server pilot industry new standards - HP Server 2002 new product landing conference”, so far for eight consecutive years in China’s IA server market ranked No.1 HP has finally clearly put forward their own six Standards, and the introduction of the new full range of PC server products are included under this standard, giving people a refreshing feeling.