作为“弹药家族”系列文章的“收官”之篇,谈谈“家族”中冉冉升起的一颗新星——灵巧弹药。海湾战争以来,精确制导弹药的作用上升到很突出的地位。但是,精确制导弹药成本高、技术难度大,只在对付远距离、高价值目标时才合算。近10多年来,各国军队从提高作战效费比的角度通盘考虑,越来越感到有必要发展一种成本和研制难度更低的新型弹药。对于这类弹药,国外曾有几种不同的名称,如 IntelligentMunition(译为聪明弹药)、BrilliantMunition(译为智能弹药)等,目前较
As a “closing point” in the “Ammunition Family” series, talk about a rising star in the “family” - smart ammunition. Since the Gulf War, the role of precision-guided munitions has risen to prominence. However, the precision-guided munitions are costly and technically difficult, which is only cost-effective when dealing with long-range and high-value targets. Over the past 10 years or so, the armed forces of all countries have considered all aspects of improving combat effectiveness and cost efficiency. It is increasingly felt that it is necessary to develop a new type of ammunition that is less costly and less difficult to develop. For such ammunition, there have been several different foreign names, such as IntelligentMunition (translated as smart ammunition), BrilliantMunition (translated as smart ammunition), etc., the current