“安全生产重于泰山”,这是耳熟能详的铭句。 然而,一些麻痹思想时有存在:生产一忙,安全就忘;心怀侥幸,专为效益;说来重要,做时不要;百密一疏,微不足道……这些与铭句不协调的想法、做法,是招惹安全事故的根子。 “四两拨千斤”,不舍得安全上“四两”的投入,怎有效益上“千斤”的产出。 “小洞不补,大洞吃苦”,不愿补小洞,怎怨大洞闯大祸? 安全的警钟再一次擂响。实施安全生产法,搞好安全生产月,让安全与生产永远紧紧相伴。
“Safety production is more important than Taishan”, this is a well-known Ming sentence. However, there are some paralytic thoughts that exist when they are busy with production, they are forgotten safely, those who are fortunate enough to be effective, the important ones when they do it, the other who do not know how to do things, the insignificant ones, and the insignificance ... These incoherent ideas and practices , Is the root cause of security incidents. “Four Two Two Thousands”, not willing to be safe on the “four two” investment, how to effectively benefit “hard” output. “Small holes do not make up, big holes suffer”, do not want to make up small holes, complain about big holes Chuangxiu? Safety alarm once again beating. Implementing the law on safe production and improving the month of safe production so that safety and production will always be closely followed.