
来源 :河套大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Monkeysct
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爱心作为幼儿教师起码的职业道德品质,对教师日常的教学实践有着重要影响。然而,就目前来看,幼儿教师并不是普遍具有爱心这一职业道德。幼儿教师爱心缺失对幼儿、幼儿家长等都会造成不同程度的伤害。研究发现,幼儿教师爱心缺失主要受工作压力、工资待遇、社会地位、自身心理素质、专业准备状况等因素的影响。 As the minimum moral quality of kindergarten teachers, love plays an important role in teachers’ daily teaching practice. However, for the moment, kindergarten teachers are not the common ethics of caring. Kindergarten teachers lack of love for children, young parents will cause varying degrees of injury. The study found that kindergarten teachers lack of love mainly due to work pressure, salary, social status, their own psychological quality, professional preparation conditions and other factors.