制造震惊全国的石家庄“3·16”爆炸案嫌疑犯靳如超已被判了死刑。令人难以置信的是制造这起炸死108人,炸伤36人的特大爆炸案的靳的作案动机仅是为了报复平时与其有矛盾的邻里以及前妻、前妻家人。 靳如超原是石家庄国棉三厂的工人,平时工作吊儿郎当,经常旷工,与人打架斗殴,好逸恶劳。10年前曾因强奸罪被判入狱,服刑10年。出狱后无所事事,
Jin Ruchao, who made the shocking blast of “March 16” in Shijiazhuang, which has stunned the country, has been sentenced to death. Incredibly, Jin’s motive to create the huge bombs that killed and wounded 108 people and wounded 36 people only serves to avenge his usual neighbors and his ex-wife and ex-wife’s family members. Jin Ruchao was originally Shijiazhuang Guomao three factory workers, usually working desperation, often absent-minded, fight with people fights, indolent. Ten years ago he was jailed for rape and sentenced to 10 years in prison. After being released from work nothing,