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  作为墨西哥洛斯卡布斯区(Los Cabos)豪华度假村的先行者,座落于圣荷西得卡波(San Jose del Cabo)至卡布圣卢卡斯(Cabo San Lucas)之间的One&Only帕尔米亚度假酒店素来被誉为全球最尊尚的超豪华度假村之一。酒店毗邻太平洋柯提兹海(Sea of Cortez),优美的海岸线让人流连忘返、如痴如醉。这座占尽天时地利的顶级酒店汇聚了墨西哥、亚洲及全球特色的全面水疗护理项目,高度提升了下加利福尼亚半岛(Baja region)的极致奢华标准,为宾客开启一场滋养身心之旅。

  Located between San Jose del Cabo to Cabo San Lucas, the One & Only Palmilla resort is the pioneer in the Los Cabos area in Mexico and has always been known as one of the world's super-luxury resorts. With the haunting beauty of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez, this well-placed hotel brings together comprehensive spa treatments from Mexico, Asia and around the world, highly enhances the ultimate luxury standard of the Baja region and prepares a nourishing trip for the bodies and minds of the guests.
  Tranquil SPA Environment
  One&Only水疗中心独家设计呈献一系列效果显著的全新护理,使宾客重拾活力、焕发神采。每项体验均按照个人需要及预期效果度身定制,带来个性化的贴心呵护。独一无二的[Only Here]护理系列,与周围优美的环境、本土原料及传统正宗的手法技巧交相呼应,其中最有名的当属保持身心平衡的[Secret Garden Remedy]护理。此外,[Only Body]护理涵盖多种按摩,为全身上下带来更加惬意舒适的体验;[Only Face]则采用最新的Nuface?科技提供面部护理,达到逆转肌龄、提升、紧致和修护的效果。
  The 2,000-square-foot spa center offers extensive space indoor and outdoor with ocean views and lush landscaping which sets the perfect scene for calm and seclusion. Signature treatments are provided within 13 private treatment villas, each set within its own private landscaped courtyard, many complete with plunge pool, rain showers and swinging day beds. A tranquil lunch in the spa's Yoga Garden is another delight for visitors as is the new fresh juice bar.
  Within the One&Only Spa, a new collection of results-driven treatments exclusive to the resort have been carefully crafted to enhance a journey of personal rejuvenation and renewal. The focus is on the individual; each experience tailored to the specific needs and desired outcomes. This collection introduces a whole new menu for guests to enjoy. Only Here is completely bespoke to One&Only Palmilla treatments that are unique to the beautiful surroundings, indigenous ingredients and authentic techniques that honor the regional traditions. This includes such treatments as the Secret Garden Remedy, focusing synergistically on the body-mind equilibrium. Only Body offers a variety of massages, elevating and optimizing the complete body experience. Only Face offers the latest in facials from Intensive Age Defyer to Lifting, Firming and Toning utilizing Nuface? technology.   爱美男士们的专利
  Men will be Served

  在呵护女性的同时,One&Only帕尔米亚度假酒店也没有忽略男士们的需要,全新开设了独特的男士护理及剃须工作室Barber&Blade。由仪容护理专家组成的专业团队,采用伦敦著名品牌Murdock of London的产品,于轻松舒适的氛围中为男士们提供刮须和理发服务以及身体与面部护理。此体验结合传统特色与先进技术,在专属私密的空间中进行。
  [Only Him]是针对男士们的具体需求和期望精心打造的护理系列,旨在提升整体健康、延年益寿及焕发活力。One&Only在与全球最顶尖保健理疗师合作的过程中获得灵感,设计出这些护理项目,为男士带来正宗地道、效果显著、无与伦比的独特水疗享受,其中包括轮廓紧致、身体护理及针对性排毒等项目。
  Not to forget the men, Barber&Blade is also being introduced as One&Only Palmilla' s exclusive new men' s grooming and shave studio. A dedicated team of grooming experts will offer male guests the chance to unwind and indulge in a series of shaving and barber shop treatments, as well as pampering for the face and body. This traditional experience will combine authenticity with cutting edge advancements in a space that was purposefully designed. Barber & Blade will feature Murdock of London products.
  Only Him focuses on treatments specialized for his needs and desires. These treatments were inspired by collaboration with the world' s finest holistic and wellness practitioners and give an unparalleled intensity and authenticity to each guest' s One&Only Spa experience. These bespoke treatments include Contouring and Firming Body Treatments and specialized detoxifications.
  Versatile SPA Treatments
  对于爱侣们来说,[Only Couples]护理可以自选时段,打造专属的水疗时光。水疗中心附设私人水疗套房,宾客们可与挚爱或好友体验从头到脚的悉心呵护,达至健康的身心状态。至于希望踏上个人水疗之旅的宾客,不妨选择个性化的[Only More]护理系列,根据自己的需求选择[Refresh]、[Calm]或[Escape]等体验项目。

  One&Only水疗中心亦设有Pedi:Mani:Cure Studio,呈献无与伦比的手足及美甲护理体验。该手足护理工作室由国际知名的法籍足疗大师Bastien Gonzalez主理,呈献一系列尊尚的护理项目,当中包括由两位理疗师同步进行的特色[双人护理]。最后的按摩令宾客全然放松、恢复活力,并为手部与双足带来显著的修护效果。这些立竿见影的效果,正是Bastien Gonzalez在世界各地拥有众多忠实粉丝的奥秘。
  此外,水疗中心还特别为13至16岁的年轻宾客推出[Only for the New Generation]护理系列,其中包括多种按摩,以及适合于日晒后进行的面部护理。

  Couples can design their own specialized time with Only Couples. Our Private Spa Suite allows complete privacy with a loved one or friend for an enriched experience from head to toe – a complete progression into holistic well-being. For those individuals looking for a personal journey, Only More provides a bespoke solution. Guests can book time and choose from Refresh, Calm or Escape experiences, depending on their desired results.   For the ultimate care of hands, feet, and nails, guests of the One&Only Spa can also choose from a wide variety of exclusive treatments at the Pedi:Mani:Cure Studio, by internationally renowned French podiatrist Bastien Gonzalez. Among the most popular treatments is the signature "Duo" treatment that features two therapists in synchronized motion taking care of both feet and hands. The ending massage leaves guests relaxed and renewed while the result on the hands and feet is remarkable. These impactful results are why so many people around the world have become Bastien loyalists.
  For the younger Spa-savvy guest, Only for the New Generation offers treatments purposefully-designed for guests aged 13 _ 16. These treatments include a variety of massages, as well as a facial, perfect for a post-sun glow.
  As the iconic luxury retreat in the destination of Los Cabos with a brand-new renovation, One&Only Palmilla is unrivalled in its suite of offerings provided with world-renowned service. The professional therapist will help the guest achieve a balance between the body and mind during a personalized treatment.
近日,希尔顿酒店及度假村宣布其英国最新物业 — 伯恩茅斯希尔顿酒店诞生。此前,希尔顿在日不落帝国已掷出67子,包含伦敦河畔希尔顿酒店及南安普顿阿佳斯希尔顿酒店。  定制内饰及雷伊·凯尔文专为酒店设计的全套家俬“明目张胆”地揭示出酒店审美观最为核心的元素:经典设计与奇特创新。酒店由私营物业公司THAT集团开发,其邻舍汉普顿亦由THAT集团持有。172房伯恩茅斯希尔顿酒店栖身于耸峙入云的玻璃结构建筑内
以两岸风景优美著称的阿诺河(River Arno)是意大利佛罗伦萨的象征,向世人倾诉着这座城市所承载的辉煌历史,同时也为这座城市孕育着美好的未来。阿诺河早在古罗马时期就已通航,在横跨其上的桥梁中,老桥“维奇奥”(Ponte Vecchio)是最为优美的一座。在这里,诗人但丁爱上了比阿特丽斯,作家曼佐尼“漂洗”了《婚约夫妇》中的语言。此河、此桥、此景、此情,朗伽诺酒店集团(Lungarno Coll
广州岭南五号酒店融合深厚历史文化和浓烈现代气息,以时尚新颖的设计、个性化的服务和全新的旅居体验诠释着“老广州,新时尚”的粤派服务理念与服务文化。  Diggin deep into Guangzhou City's historical and cultural legacy as a millennium-old commercial city and the Marine Silk Road,
诺金品牌旗下首家奢华旗舰酒店 — 北京诺金酒店于2015年6月5日开业,以其中式、奢华、现代、绿色的四大核心理念,在本就济济一堂的酒店圈儿中独领风骚。根植于中国深厚的文化底蕴,承载着“走国际化路,创民族品牌”的使命,诺金始终为实现酒店业的“中国梦”而不懈努力着。  NUO Hotel Beijing, NUO Hotels' luxurious flagship hotel, opened on
11月,拉斯维加斯阿里亚娱乐场度假酒店(Aria Resort & Casino)推出全新塔楼套房及贵宾厅。从阿里亚礼宾部预定住宿后,宾客便可欢欣鼓舞地踏上体验之旅。礼宾部会将旅行细节及其他安排处理得井井有条,如演出票及晚餐预订。抵达之后,穿过阿里亚大堂一处单独入口,去至塔楼套房贵宾厅登记入住。贵宾厅既是专属区域,则个性化服务及便利设施便不在话下。小吃、酒水唾手可得,熨帖唇舌。  套房面积不等,从
没有纽约那般紧张忙碌,也没有迈阿密那般慵懒休闲,旧金山的都市情怀现代之中不乏浪漫,使她成为最受美国人欢迎的城市。相对美国西部最大的金融中心,美丽的湾区、健阔的金门大桥、美国最大的唐人街等这些著名景点或许还要更加知名一些。在这里,商务人士奔忙于业务,休闲人士尽览城市景观,而盘踞于此的大小酒店正是满足了这两种需求的所在。    She is not as busy as Chicago, nor as
HBA的首席设计师Ian Carr及其团队花费数月研究探索,与故宫博物院专家、名校教授、艺术家,如名誉艺术顾问曾梵志及其工作室团队合作,为诺金潜心研发出独一无二的艺术作品及设计元素,以现代手法致意传统文化,预示着中国现代艺术的复兴和崛起。  进入北京诺金酒店,即可见曾梵志先生为诺金酒店创作的两件标志性作品。这两件作品均位于酒店大堂的显著位置:一幅6.3米长、2.6米宽的大型油画,名为《风景2014
时光回溯到殖民时期,那时的加勒菲斯酒店还只是一栋为荷兰人所有的别墅建筑,达官显贵们经常相聚于此、畅叙心声。后来,四位来自英国的企业家试图将这座建筑经营起来。当时没有人料到,于1864年开业的加勒菲斯酒店在19世纪末期会成为苏伊士以东地区最豪华的酒店。  加勒菲斯酒店的名称源自位于其身侧延绵一公里、景致迷人的加勒菲斯绿地广场(Galle Face Green)。维多利亚时期,人们常常散步或乘坐马车来