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自二十世纪中期以来,苏联图书馆学的高校教材大致是每隔十年左右即更新一次。欧·斯·丘巴梁著的《普通图书馆学》修订第三版(以下称丘著)出版于1976年,其汉译本已于1983年由书目文献出版社出版。回想五十年代我在莫斯科学习时,讲授此课的就是丘巴梁老师,如今他经已作古了。新的一版高校教材又于1988年冬出版,书名是《图书馆学普遍教程》(以下称新著),由作者们邮赠的一本正摆在我的案头。其三位主要作者皆为我国图书情报界所熟知,即:康·伊·阿布拉莫夫,阿·尼·瓦涅耶夫和尼·谢·卡尔达绍夫。第一位曾是我当大学生时的图书馆学系主任,现任苏联国立莫斯科文化学院图书馆学教研室主任。第三位在我读大学时正在校当研究生,目前则在主持苏联国立列宁图书馆的工作。第二位是列宁格勒克鲁普斯卡娅文化学院的教师。新著与丘著比较有相当大的差别,这基本上反映了苏联图书馆学基础理论自七十年代中期以来所取得的进展与成就。丘著原统分为六章共二十六节,新著则先分为图书馆事业理论基础和苏联图书馆事业两编,各含五章和七章,共计四十四节。以下分述它们在内容上的不同。首先是把丘著第三章中关于列宁对图书包事业的论述一节扩大为独立的一章,并放在了 Since the middle of the twentieth century, college textbooks in Soviet library science have been updated almost every ten years or so. The third edition of the “Ordinary Library Science,” revised by Eugenius Chubari, was published in 1976, and its Chinese translation was published by the bibliographic and literary publishing house in 1983. Recalling the fifties when I was studying in Moscow, taught this lesson is Quba Ba Liang teacher, now that he has gone through. The new edition of the university textbook was published in the winter of 1988 in the title of “Universal Library Science Tutorial” (hereafter referred to as the New Book), a copy of which was posted by the authors in my desk. The three main authors are all well-known in China’s library and information community, namely: Kang Yiyi Abramoff, 阿尼尼瓦涅耶夫 and Nepal · 谢尔尔达绍夫. The first was the director of the library science department when I was a college student and the director of the library science department of the Moscow State College of Culture. The third was a graduate student while I was a college student and is currently in charge of the work of the National Lenin Library in the Soviet Union. The second is a teacher at the Klinskaya Cultural Institute in Leningrad. There are quite a few differences between the new and the mound, which basically reflect the progress and achievements made since the mid-1970s in the basic theory of library science in the Soviet Union. Qiu original division into six chapters, a total of twenty-six, the new book is divided into the theoretical basis of the library and the Soviet Union library two books, each containing five chapters and seven chapters, a total of forty-four. The following points describe their differences in content. The first is to expand Qulin’s chapter on Lenin’s discourse on the cause of book packaging into an independent chapter and place it in
北京 ,不仅是中国历史文化名城 ,以其独特的魅力向世人展示自己的风风雨雨、世间沧桑与时代的变奏 ,同时也是世界文明史上最壮观的文化奇观。人们不禁问我 ,北京文化最有代表
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