患儿男性,7个月。主因发热伴咳喘5天于1994年2月9日入院。体温不规则,最高时达40℃,晨起咳喘较重,无青紫及吐泻。入院前曾给青霉素等药物治疗2天,无效。因突然抽搐一次,急诊入院。病儿系第一胎。8个月早产,人工喂养。有夜眠不安及反复“肺炎”史。父母非近亲婚配。母系家族中有先天性斜视病史。 体检:体重6kg,体温38.3℃,发育迟缓,营养中等,精神差,神志清。不会独坐及爬行,会笑。头面部、口腔粘膜及躯干部皮肤可见散在网状毛细血管扩张。头颅大小正常。双眼球共同性斜视,并有明显水平性震颤,尤以视物时加重。颈后仰。四肢运动时摇摆不定,抓物
Children with children, 7 months. Mainly due to fever with cough 5 days in February 9, 1994 admission. Irregular body temperature, up to 40 ℃, morning cough heavier, no bruising and vomiting. Was given penicillin and other drugs before admission for 2 days, invalid. Due to sudden convulsions, emergency admission. Sick child is the first child. 8 months premature, artificial feeding. Sleepless nights and repeated “pneumonia” history. Parents non-relatives marriage. Matrilineal family history of congenital strabismus. Physical examination: weight 6kg, body temperature 38.3 ℃, growth retardation, moderate nutrition, poor spirit, clear consciousness. Will not sit alone and crawl, will laugh. Head and face, oral mucosa and torso skin scattered in the reticular telangiectasia. Head size is normal. Common eye strabismus strabismus, and significant horizontal tremor, especially when the material is exacerbated. Neck back up. Swing movement limbs, grasping objects