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【正】 自國务院批轉中國人民銀行總行‘關於取消國营工業相互間以及國营工業与其他國营企業間的商業信用,代以銀行結算,以加强財务工作問題的報告’後,各地銀行在取消國营工
Post-disaster very high resolution(VHR) satellite data are potential sources to provide detailed information on damage and geological changes for a large area i
Whether swarms of preferentially oriented dykes are controlled by regional stress fields, or passively exploit basement structural fabric, is a much debated que
The Early Paleozoic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana is characterized by several episodes of bimodal magmatism intruded or outpoured within thick se
【正】 一中國人民銀行總行最近召開了国营工業信貸工作汇报座談会。参加会議的有十个省市分行的代表。这些省市的工業比重較大,十个省市的国营工業放款佔全國放款總額六六&#
Discovery rates for all metals,including gold,are declining,the cost per significant discovery is increasing sharply,and the economic situation of the industry
The Chertovo Koryto gold deposit(80 t Au at 1.84 g/t) in the Lena world-class province,Siberia,is hosted in a metamorphosed sequence of the Paleoproterozoic Mik