随着国民经济建设的发展,公路建设的标准越来越高,项目越来越大,投资越来越多;随之,公路部门的责任也越来越重。如何保证公路建设的工程质量,这一课题已摆到了我们面前。 (一) 改革开放以来,我国公路建设的速度显著加快,公路的整体质量水平也有了明显提高。面对“公路热”的喜人局面,作为公路系统的全体人员应当如何对待呢?笔者认为.我们应当冷静思考公路建
With the development of the national economy, the standards of highway construction are getting higher and higher, with more and more projects and more and more investment. Along with this, the responsibility of highway departments is also getting heavier and heavier. How to ensure the quality of highway construction projects, this issue has been placed before us. (I) Since the reform and opening up, the speed of highway construction in our country has accelerated noticeably and the overall quality of roads has also been significantly improved. In the face of the gratifying situation of “highway heat ”, what should be treated as a whole staff of the highway system? In my opinion, we should think calmly