
来源 :云南医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreamlisheng
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肺癌是目前人类因癌症死亡的主要原因。但临床上约86%的肺癌患者确认时已属晚期,失去手术及放射治疗的机会,化疗成为最主要的治疗方法。现将我们于1992年1月至1997年8月应用ITP与CTP方案治疗晚期本病(NSCLC)的近期疗效及毒副作用比较,报道如... Lung cancer is currently the leading cause of death from cancer in humans. However, about 86% of patients with lung cancer have been clinically advanced at the time of confirmation, and they have lost opportunities for surgery and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy has become the main treatment method. Now we compare the short-term efficacy and side effects of the ITP and CTP regimens for the treatment of advanced stage disease (NSCLC) from January 1992 to August 1997.
<正> 一、绪言神冈的气候纯属日本内陆型,冬季下雪,气温低至-10℃。因此,在冬季无论是冶炼操作及生活福利等各方面都需要大量蒸汽,这些蒸汽是由锌精矿沸腾焙烧炉的废热锅炉和