The authors report a rare case of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) posterior spinal cord and bulbar syndrom. The patient, 40, was hospitalized for persistent fever and night sweats for four years, and oral anti-TB drugs were ineffective. Check: neck hard, CSF: protein; 460mg%, white blood cells 5960 / ml, erythrocyte 53 / ml, sugar 0.8mmol / l (blood sugar 8.1mmol / l), did not find pathogens. Head CT showed: multiple annular density, lateral ventricular wall density and mild hydrocephalus, diagnosis of TBM with multiple tuberculosis. With isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, dexamethasone and vitamin B_6 treatment, the initial condition has improved, but after four weeks of deterioration in consciousness, review of CT showed: hydrocephalus increased right ventricle peritoneal shunt After the rapid recovery, intraoperative biopsy specimens found granuloma, without pathogenic bacteria. Anti-TB treatment for 18 months, patients with mild peripheral neuropathy. Six months after stopping treatment, the upper extremity was weak and the tendon reflex disappeared. After one month, the patient’s right hand cold and heat disappeared,