近几年来,由于种种因素,电子红光点式瞄准具和准直光学瞄准具在军事上,特别是在执法部门得到了广泛应用。因为这些瞄具能为使用者快速提供瞄准图像,可观察到25~400m范围的目标,适于在近距离作战中使用,且非常耐用,可靠性高。 光学瞄具较传统的缺口表尺或机械瞄具的进步在于,它消除了射手去校准瞄准和目标图像的麻烦,因为光学瞄具只需将光点或十字线对准目标即可。光学瞄具的另一个优点是消除了视差。如果瞄具的十字线是在目标上,则武器恰好在零位,这时发射枪弹便会击中目标。但光学瞄具仍有一定的缺陷。
In recent years, due to various factors, electronic red spot sighting and collimation optical sightings have been widely used in military affairs, especially in law enforcement. Because these sights provide the user with a quick aiming image, a target range of 25-400 m is observed, suitable for use in close combat, and is extremely durable and highly reliable. The advancement of optical sights over the more traditional notched gauges or mechanical sights is that it eliminates the hassle of the shooter to align the aiming and target images because the sights need only align the spot or reticle with the target. Another advantage of optical sights is the elimination of parallax. If the aiming crosshair is on the target, the weapon is exactly at zero and the firing of the bullet will hit the target. However, optical sights still have some flaws.