百年沧桑 步入辉煌——中国电影诞生百年概述

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2005年,是中国电彩百年华诞,这一年承载着太多与电影有关的大事件:中国回归世贸后的关键性一年,因为电影市场的保护期即将过去,好莱坞、韩国、法国等国的电影将全面登陆。一年时间太短,而中电影要做的事,却如此多……一百年了,有多少优秀的电影工作者为电影飘洋过海,为电影奔走呼告,为电影抛头颅洒热血,一百年了,电影一路走过了几多风雨,几多曲折,几多艰辛。一百年了,观众对电影幸福记忆有多少,对电影的情怀有多深,电影对观众的影响有多大……值中国电影百年华诞,本刊从这期起推出“中国电影百年华诞”专栏,将对一百年来的优秀影片、影人及大事件等进行介绍,以此纪念中国电影走过的百年历程。与此同时,为了调动读者了解百年电影史的热情,我刊特举办“有奖竞答百道问题”的活动。即一百道问题的答案均在本刊3—11期“中国电影百年华诞”专栏中刊登,第12期出百道问题,并开始答题,同时确定奖项及奖品。明年第1期公布获奖答案并寄出奖品。——编者 In 2005, it was the centenary of China's color TV series. This year carried too many film-related major events: the crucial year after China's return to the WTO because the protection period of the movie market is imminent; Hollywood, South Korea and France Movie will be fully landed. A year is too short, and the film to do, but so many ... ... a hundred years, how many excellent movie workers across the sea for the movie, running for the movie cries for the movie thrown blood A hundred years, how many times the film has gone through the storm, how many twists and turns, how many difficult. A hundred years, how many memories of the audience happy movie, how deep the feelings of the movie, the impact of the movie on the audience how much ... Value of Chinese film hundred years of birthday, this issue from this issue “China Film hundred years birthday ”Column, will be one hundred years of outstanding films, filmmakers and major events, etc. are introduced in order to commemorate the centenary course of Chinese film. In the meantime, in order to arouse readers' enthusiasm for understanding the history of a hundred years of films, we hold “Prize-winning 100 Questions” campaign. That is, the answers to 100 questions are published in the 3-11 issue of the magazine “Centenary of Chinese Film” column, the 12th issue out of 100 questions, and begin to answer, at the same time determine the awards and prizes. Announce the winning answer and send the prize next year. --editor
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