办好《江苏煤炭》 促进煤炭发展

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《江苏煤炭科技》更名为《江苏煤炭》,从技术性刊物变更为综合性刊物,主要目的是更全面地反映我省煤炭工业的发展现状、经验和教训,促进煤炭工业的进一步发展。 煤炭的开采和利用,在江苏历史久远,但真正作为一个重要的能源工业得到长足发展,则是在建国之后。在党和国家的关怀和支持下,通过三十多年的努力,已从解放初的夏桥、韩桥两对矿井,年产81.5万吨,发展到拥有68对矿井和117对乡镇小煤窑、年产1917万吨;已从炮采镐刨、肩扛篓装的生产方式,发展到采掘运部分机械化;已从单纯的煤炭生产,发展到勘探、设计、基建、生产、机械制造、科研教育门类比较齐全、比较配套的行业体系;矿工的生活和社会地位大大提高,矿容矿貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,矿井的生产条件和安全设 The name of “Jiangsu Coal Science and Technology” was renamed as “Jiangsu Coal” from technical publications to comprehensive publications. Its main purpose is to reflect more fully the development status, experiences and lessons of the coal industry in our province and to promote the further development of the coal industry. Coal mining and utilization has a long history in Jiangsu. However, the real development as an important energy industry is after the founding of the People’s Republic. With the care and support of the party and the state, through the efforts of more than 30 years, the two pairs of mines, Xiaqiao and Hanqiao, have been liberated, with an annual output of 815,000 tons and an annual output of 68,000 mines and 117 townships and small coal mines , With an annual output of 19.17 million tons; from blast mining pick planing, shoulder carry basket production methods, the development of mining section transport mechanization; from a simple coal production, development, exploration, design, infrastructure, production, machinery manufacturing, research Education category is relatively complete, more supporting the industry system; miners greatly enhance the living and social status, ore features have undergone enormous changes, mine production conditions and safety settings
目的:   通过研究原发性胆囊癌(primary gallbladder carcinoma以下简称胆囊癌)、胆囊腺瘤样息肉和慢性胆囊炎组织中组织蛋白酶B(cathepsin B,CatB)、组织蛋白酶D(cathepsi
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