1996年2月,进入不惑之年的柘城县人民医院副院长田琦,担起了县公疗医院院长的重担,面对公疗医院管理混乱,人心涣散,社会信誉降低的局面。田琦以无私无畏的气魄,敢想敢干的作风,踏上了拼搏之路。 上任伊始,田院长就像给病人看病一样,对医院进行探求病因,深入群众,集思广义。通过一个多月的明察暗访,他终于找出了医院混乱的病因。于是他就开始实施一套挽救医院的整改措施,终于使即将崩溃的医院走向了健康发展的道路。
In February 1996, Tian Qi, the deputy dean of the People’s Hospital of Tancheng County, took up the burden of the president of the county public hospital, faced with the chaotic management of public hospitals, the dispersal of people’s hearts, and the decline of social credit. Tian Qi is courageous and selfless, dare to think hard, and embarks on a hard road. At the beginning of his term, Dean Tian looked at the cause of the hospital as if he were seeing the patient. After more than one month of unannounced visits, he finally found out the cause of the disorder in the hospital. So he began to implement a set of remedial measures to save the hospital, and finally made the impending collapse of the hospital towards a healthy development path.