悬索桥作为一种经济实用美观的现代桥型越来越多地在世界上发达国家中广为应用 ,1998年 4月日本建成了世界上最大跨径最长的悬索桥 ,这标志着该桥型应用的最新发展水平 ,本文结合作者收集到的该桥有关工程报告与施工资料 ,概要介绍了该桥的结构特点及应用的最新技术 ,以及在 1995年初该桥施工后期遭遇地震时的表现 ,一览世界悬索桥设计及施工发展的最新成就。
As an economical and practical modern and attractive bridge, the suspension bridge is widely used in many developed countries in the world. In April 1998, Japan built the world’s largest suspension bridge with the longest span, marking the bridge’s application Based on the reports and construction materials collected by the author about the bridge, this paper gives an overview of the structural features of the bridge and the latest application of the bridge, as well as the performance of the bridge in the late 1995 construction when the earthquake hit the world. Suspension bridge design and construction of the latest achievements.