根据井上靖原著改编,由甘肃省陇剧团演出的大 型陇剧《敦煌魂》向我们展示一群一千多年前从漫漫黄沙、茫茫大漠中走来的伟大的文化绚道者的群像,他们高举不绝的火种,在奔向敦煌艺术圣殿的路途上,在死寂的戈壁绝地,发出神圣的绝唱,以浩荡正气使莫高窟重放光华。这是一幅炎黄子孙在危急危难的烽火洗礼中保护灿烂的祖国文化的宏伟画卷,更是一曲惊天地、泣鬼神、悲怆和壮丽的凯歌,仿佛瀚海明月,照耀着久久难以消逝的昨天的生灵和空旷的大地,美仑美免。
According to Inoue Yasuji’s original adaptation, the large-scale Longju opera “Dunhuang Soul”, performed by the Gansu Longxue Group, shows us a group of great cultural gurus who came from the vast sand and vast desert over a thousand years ago Hold high the constant fire, in the road towards Dunhuang Art Temple, in the dead Gobi Jedi, issued a sacred song, with might to make Mogao Grottoes replay Guanghua. This is a magnificent picture of the progeny of the progeny in protecting the splendid culture of the motherland in the beleaguered beacon of war. It is even a stunning, earth-shattering, compassionate and magnificent triumphant triumphant triumphant song, Creatures and open earth, America and the United States to avoid the United States.