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全面抗战爆发初期,在日寇的疯狂进攻下,大片国土沦丧。为了保住国家仅存的钢铁产能和资源,以支撑抗战亟需,1938年3月1日蒋介石下达了“汉阳铁厂应择要迁移,并限三月底迁移完毕为要!”的手令,国民政府经济部资源委员会、军政部兵工署奉命组成钢铁厂迁建委员会(简称钢迁会),将汉阳铁厂、上海炼钢厂、大冶铁矿、六河沟铁厂等处拆卸的机器设备及组织起来的工程技术人员溯江西迁,在重庆建成包含大渡口钢铁厂、綦 In the early days after the full launch of the Anti-Japanese War, under the insane attacks of the Japanese invaders, the vast territory was lost. In order to keep the country’s remaining steel capacity and resources in order to support the imperative of war, on March 1, 1938, Chiang Kai-shek issued a warrant that “Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant should choose to relocate and limit the relocation to completion by the end of March!”, Resources Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the National Government and the Military and Industrial Construction Department of the Ministry of Military Command were instructed to form the relocation committee of the steelworks (referred to as the steel relocation) and to disassemble the machines from Hanyang Iron Works, Shanghai Steelworks, Daye Iron Mine, Liuhegou Ironworks, etc. Equipment and organized engineering and technical personnel moved back to Jiangxi, built in Chongqing, including Dadukou steel plant, 綦
“董总,武汉遥感公司的话,我们不能信!”  在北京凯远光学科技有限公司的重大项目投标协调会上,当董事长董晓峰提出,在内蒙炼化项目上准备与武汉遥感光科有限公司默契协调时,一名高管站起来公开反对。  武汉遥感公司,十余年来一直是董晓峰所在的北京凯远公司最大的竞争对手。其老板蒋金鹏与董晓峰在生意场上斗来斗去,共同见证了一个行业在中国从引入到发展的历程。  利用光在传播过程中的反射和折射特性,可以制成高精