番杏,别名新西兰菠菱、夏菠菜、洋菠菜等,番杏科番杏属中以肥厚多汁嫩茎叶为产品的一年生半蔓性草本植物。原产澳大利亚、东南亚和智利等地。我国于 1946年在南京引种栽培,生长良好,但由于种种原因,种植面积一直没有大的发展,近几年来,番杏随着特菜种植热的兴起而有了快
Aging apricot, alias New Zealand plum, summer spinach, Yang spinach, etc., apricot Branch of apricot in juicy and tender stems and leaves of hypertrophy products for the annual albino herbaceous. Origin Australia, Southeast Asia and Chile. China introduced and cultivated in Nanjing in 1946, and grew well. However, due to various reasons, there has been no major development in the area planted. In recent years, thanks to the rise of special vegetable planting fever,