1 概况洪汝河是淮河北岸跨豫、皖两省的主要骨干排水河道,发源于河南省伏牛山区,班台以上为上、中游,分为汝河和小洪河两支,班台以下为下游,称为大洪河,在安徽省王家坝附近汇入淮河。洪汝河流域面积1.24万km~2,耕地面积173.33hm~2,人口610万人。流域内土地肥沃,气候温和,是河南省主要的粮棉油生产基地之一。由于班台以下河道防洪标准约为5年一遇,除涝标准约为3年一遇的74%,不能满足上中游防洪除涝要求,洪涝灾害仍十分频繁,严重制约了该地区的经济发展。淮河水利委员会治淮工程建设局于2001年11月委托河南省水利勘测设计院就河南省建筑物工程进行设计,包括防洪排涝涵闸13座,除险加固涵闸33座,电灌站14座,排涝站13座,桥梁5座,堵口工程4处。本文拟就涵闸工程现状及加固措施进行探
1 Overview The Hongru River is the main backbone drainage channel across the Yuhe and Anhui provinces on the northern bank of the Huaihe River. It originated from the Funiu Mountain in Henan Province. The upper reaches and the middle reaches of the Panyutai are divided into two parts: the Ru River and the Xiahong River. , Known as the Great Hong River, in the vicinity of Wangjiaba in Anhui Province into the Huaihe River. Hongru River basin area of 12400km ~ 2, arable land area of 173.33hm ~ 2, population 6100000 people. Valley fertile land, mild climate, Henan Province is one of the major grain and cotton production base. Flood control standards for flood courses below riverside level are about five years on average, and the standard for waterlogging removal is about 74% of once every three years, which can not meet the requirements of flood control and waterlogging prevention in the upper and middle reaches. Floods and disasters are still very frequent, severely restricting the economic development in the area . Huaihe River Water Resources Commission Huai River Engineering Construction Bureau commissioned in November 2001 Henan Province Water Conservancy Survey and Design Institute of Henan Province, building design projects, including flood control drainage sluice 13, reinforcement Culvert 33, electric pumping station 14, drainage station 13, 5 bridges, blocking the project 4. This paper intends to Culvert project status and reinforcement measures exploration