去年,美国密歇根消防部门的负责人规定,当地的每辆机动车都要涂上一致的大写黑体字母“Fire Sprinklers Save Lives(消防水喷淋能够拯救生命)。”这段标语为使人们意识到家用水喷淋以及烟雾报警探测器等在挽救居民生命上起到的积极作用。“我们每次出门开车都能看到这样的标语”弗恩代尔消防局局长布莱恩·巴顿说道,他极力主张通过立法规定在新建合单户或双户居民房屋中必须安装消防水喷淋装置。但也不总是这样,几十年来,即使一些消防队员非常支持在高火灾风险的居用及商用建筑中安装消防水喷淋系统,但他们内心仍然很矛盾。“我们可能因此失
Last year, the head of the Michigan Department of Fire in the United States provided that each local motor vehicle should be painted with a consistent capital letter ”Fire Sprinklers Save Lives.“ ” Realizing the active role of household water sprinklers and smoke detectors in saving lives. “Every time we go out to drive such a slogan can be seen ” said Bryant Barton, director of the Firendale Fire Department, who strongly advocated the adoption of legislation that requires the installation of fire-fighting water in newly built single- or double-family houses Sprinklers. But it is not always the case. For decades, even though some firefighters are very supportive of installing fire sprinkler systems in residential and commercial buildings at high fire risk, they are still very contradictory. "We may lose it