Previous studies have yielded valuable data onthe effects of sulfhydryl compounds in pancreatic tis-sues, and we had confined the cytoprotection effectsof exoge
We fabricate and characterize Au nanoparticle-aggregated nanowires by using the nano meniscus-induced colloidal stacking method. The Au nanoparticle solution ej
Unique and various microstructures of titanium oxide(TiO2 ) film including macroporous structure, chromatic veins and rings, have been easily fabricated by mist d
Objective.To construct recombinant BCG against leptospirosis.Methods.We amplified the entire open reading frame of the OmpL1 gene from the genome of the leptosp
A facile and rapid approach for detecting low concentration of iron ion(Fe3+) with improved sensitivity was developed on the basis of plasmon enhanced fluoresce