1、适宜范围:在我省海拔800~1400米的一些地区,冬季无霜,较深厚肥沃的砂壤土地均可推广种植精品西瓜。应选择光照强,日照在6小时以上,排灌方便、地势较平整的稻田为宜。 2.选种及浸种处理:选择颇有市场潜力、丰产、优质、口感细嫩的台湾小兰、特小凤、上海的
1, the appropriate range: In some areas of our province at an elevation of 800 ~ 1400 meters, frost-free in winter, the more fertile sandy loam land can promote the cultivation of quality watermelon. Light should be chosen strong, sunshine more than 6 hours, irrigation and drainage convenient, more favorable terrain paddy fields. 2. Selection and soaking seed treatment: choose quite market potential, high yield, high quality, taste delicate Portland, Te Xiaofeng, Shanghai