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近年来,随着蔬菜面积的扩大,2,4-D越来越受到菜农的欢迎。因为,低浓度的2,4-D能刺激植物生长,可用于防止落花落果,且能提高坐果率,促进果实生长,提早成熟,从而达到高产高效的目的。根据本人多年实践经验,2,4-D在蔬菜上使用方法和注意事项应抓好以下几点。使用方法: 1、防止西红柿落花、落果。在每一花穗有2~3个花朵开放时,用一手持盛有10~20ppm的药液容器,一手将花压入药液中、使药液没至开花花穗的花梗。也可用小喷雾 In recent years, with the expansion of vegetable area, 2,4-D is more and more welcomed by vegetable growers. Because low concentrations of 2,4-D can stimulate plant growth, can be used to prevent falling flowers and fruits, and can improve fruit set, promote fruit growth, early maturity, so as to achieve the purpose of high yield and high efficiency. According to my many years of practical experience, 2,4-D vegetables in the use of methods and precautions should pay attention to the following points. How to use: 1, to prevent falling cherry, drop fruit. In each flower spike 2 to 3 flowers open, with a hand holding 10 ~ 20ppm of the liquid container, the one hand will be pressed into the liquid medicine, so that the liquid did not flowering flower peduncle. Small spray can also be used
爱国教育    在李阳成名的早期,从来没有哪位英语老师像他那样把英语和爱国主义像麻花那样紧紧拧在一起。  他在现场高呼“学好英语,占领世界”、“学好英语,打倒美帝国主义”等口号,常常引起下面年轻人的一阵阵欢呼。  他说:“爱国不是喊口号,不是唱爱国歌曲,爱国是知道自己的素质离国际化的要求还有很远,知道自己的国家还远远地落后于其他的国家,爱国不是一种自大,不是一种盲目,不是一种仇恨,不是恨日本人就是