2004年 12月 3日~5日,由中国人民大学、韩国高等教育财团主办,中国人民大学孔子研究院、中国人民大学亚洲研究中心协办的“儒家思想在世界的传播与发展”国际学术研讨会在中国人民大学逸夫中心和北京九华山庄国际会议中心隆重召开, 150余位专家、学者参加了讨论会,提交了 70多
From December 3 to December 5, 2004, the International Symposium on “Spread and Development of Confucianism in the World” co-hosted by Renmin University of China and Korea Higher Education Foundation, Confucius Institute at Renmin University of China and Asian Studies Center of Renmin University of China More than 150 experts and scholars attended the seminar and submitted more than 70 titles at the Shaw Center of Renmin University of China and the International Convention Center of Jiuhua Villa in Beijing.