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增强国营大中型企业的活力,提高经济效益,是城市经济体制改革的中心环节.邓小平同志南巡重要讲话之后,加快改革步伐,加重改革份量,加大改革力度已成为全国大中型企业深化改革的共识.在改革大潮中,企业档案工作应该怎样找准自己的位置,路应该往哪儿走,这不仅是档案工作者最关心的课题,也是企业愿望、社会关注的一个问题.改革的中心任务就是发展经济,发展生产力,而作为发展生产力的基础工作之一的企业档案工作,如果冲不破旧观念的束缚,跨不上时代的列车,档案工作的地位和作用将会受到影响,档案工作就会停滞甚至退步.因此,档案工作必须顺应企业深化改革的要求,转变机制,为企业经济建设服务. Strengthening the vitality of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises and improving economic efficiency are the central links in the reform of the urban economic system. After Deng Xiaoping’s important speech on the southern front page of the south tour, accelerating the pace of reform, aggravating the quantity and reform of large and medium-sized enterprises has become the deepening reform of the nation’s large and medium-sized enterprises Consensus: During the tide of reform, how the enterprise archives should find its own place and where the road should go is not only the most important issue for archivists, but also a problem that business wishes and the society pay attention to. The central task of reform is Economic development and the development of productive forces. As the basic work of the development of productive forces, the enterprise archives work will not be able to break the old train and the status and role of archival work will be affected if the corporate archives work is not shackled by the old ideas and the archival work will be affected Stagnation or even regress.Therefore, the file work must comply with the requirements of enterprises to deepen the reform, change the mechanism for the economic construction of enterprises.
在法国首都巴黎郊区克罗德街的一幢楼房里,坐落着一个国际性的防止犯罪的机构——国际刑警组织(英文全称International Criminal Police Organization,简称“ICPO”).很长时
引言 视听材料成为档案文献还是件较新的事,最早的录音方法发明于1871年。最早的录音档案建于本世纪20年代。不过,绝大多数的录音档案却是在1945年以后才建立起来的,大多数
一、系统功能 本系统集文书处理与档案管理为一体,具有文书处理阶段的登记—检索—注办—催办—机要文件清退—不归档文件清理—档案材料归档;档案管理阶段的收集—分类—划
人们常说保安行业是男人拼搏的天地,其实不然,北京市保安服务总公司东城分公司女子保安队的保安“姊妹花”就不这样认为,“当保安员,我们也是好样的,一样能干得出色。” Peo