关于心脏自动节律性的起源问题一直未能得到彻底解决。本文研究了胆硷能节后纤维在蛙心自动节律性活动中的作用。切断位于肺总静脉两边从雷马克神经节(Remak G.)走向静脉窦的神经,经一定时期后,动物死亡,夏春季常死于术后5~7天,冬季则死于术后7~9天,死蛙的静脉窦充血而房室内无血。若于死前一天或数小时进行检查,此时静脉窦的自动节律性收缩已经停止,而房室以较慢的节律进行收缩。对此种心脏进行斯氏(Stannius)第一结扎并不影响房室节律。
The issue of the origin of automatic heart rhythms has not been completely resolved. This article studies the role of cholinergic fibers in the rhythmic activity of frog hearts. Cut off the nerves from the Remak G. to the sinuses on both sides of the pulmonary vein. After a certain period of time, animals die. They usually die 5-7 days after the spring and summer, 9 days, dead frog sinus congestion and room without blood. If the day before death or hours of examination, then automatic ventricular sinus contractions have stopped, and atrioventricular contraction with a slower rhythm. Stanford’s first ligation of this heart did not affect the rhythm of the atrium.