原第四军医大学校长、军事医学科学院院长涂通今教授是我国我军著名的医学专家 ,5 0年代早期曾在原苏联布尔登科神经外科研究所攻读神经外科研究生 ,获医学副博士学位。从 1943年开始先后在报社杂志发表论文 6 0余篇 ,编著、编审、编译医学专著 10部。 1995年当他 80岁高龄时 ,还主编出版了《神经外科学》和《中国医学百科全书军事医学卷》两部专著 ,并获得同行的好评。
The former president of the Fourth Military Medical University and the president of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Professor Tu Tongjin, is a famous medical expert of our army. In the early 50’s, he studied neurosurgery graduate students at the Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute of the former Soviet Union and obtained an associate degree in medical science. Since 1943, he has published more than 60 papers in newspaper magazines, edited, edited, and compiled 10 monographs. When he was 80 years old in 1995, he also edited and published two monographs, Neurosurgery and Chinese Medical Encyclopedia of Military Medicine, and received good reviews from peers.