Objective To investigate the clinical and pathological features of endometrial sarcoma. Methods One case of pulmonary arterial endometrial sarcoma was examined by light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemically. The literature was reviewed. As a result, the tumor is located in the lumen of the pulmonary artery, obstructing the lumen, and extending to surrounding small blood vessels. Under light microscope, the tumor cells were mainly spindle cells, distributed in epithelial-like cells and multinucleated giant cells, and the mitotic figures were approximately 46/50 HPF. Electron microscopy observations showed that the cells were rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and no differentiation to specific cells. Immunohistochemically stained vimentin was diffusely positive, α-SMA focal positive, HMB-45 scattered weakly positive, CKpan, CD34, CD31 and S-100 protein were negative. Conclusion Intimal sarcoma is a rare malignancy that occurs in the large vessel wall. The prognosis is poor, and the immunophenotype is not specific. Understanding the site, clinical and pathological features of the tumor helps to make a correct diagnosis.