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患者男,25岁,因咽喉肿痛1天来我院门诊治疗。咽喉部检查仅见粘膜轻度充血,全身无其它症状和体征,血常规检查正常,拟诊“急性咽峡炎”给予六神丸(苏州雷允上制药厂生产)口服,首次10粒,约半小时,周身皮肤及咽喉部出现痒感,随即来院复诊,片刻后又出现声嘶气喘、呼吸困难。检查:P160 Male patient, 25 years old, because of sore throat 1 day to our hospital treatment. Throat examination showed only mucosal mild hyperemia, the body without other symptoms and signs, blood tests were normal, the proposed diagnosis of acute angina is given to Liushen Wan (Suzhou Leiyun pharmaceutical production) oral, the first 10 capsules, about half an hour, Whole body skin and throat appear tickle, then came to hospital for referral, a moment later appeared hoarseness and asthma, difficulty breathing. Check: P160