Estimation Algorithms of Methane Sorption Capacity of the Longmaxi Marine Shale in South China

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quan777
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Shale gas is one of the most promising unconventional gas systems.The shale is both the source of,and the reservoir for,natural gas,which is derived from the organic matter within the shale through biogenic and/or thermogenic processes.Natural gas storage in shale differs significantly from conventional gas reservoirs and may be composed of free compressed gas,sorption gas and Shale gas is one of the most popular unconventional gas systems. The shale is both the source of, and the reservoir for, natural gas, which is derived from the organic matter within the shale through biogenic and / or thermogenic processes. Natural gas storage in shale notably from conventional gas reservoirs and may be composed of free compressed gas, sorption gas and
选择恶臭污染物的典型代表苯乙烯气体为研究对象,利用多层排管式介质阻挡放电(Dielectric Barrier Discharge,DBD)方式产生低温等离子体,研究常温常压下降解流动态苯乙烯气体
Celtis is a Cannabaceae genus of 60-70 species of trees, or rarely shrubs, commonly known as hack-berries. This woody genus consists of very valuable forest pla
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