2014年11月5日(星期三)13时整,法国巴黎德鲁昂饭店,龚古尔文学奖评委会主席贝尔纳·比沃宣布:在第5轮投票中,法国作家莉迪·萨尔维尔(Lydie Salvayre)的《不要哭泣》(Pas pleurer)以5∶4票的得票数,击败阿尔及利亚作家卡迈勒·达乌德(Kamel Daoud)的《重审默尔索》(Meursault:contre-enquête),荣获2014年度龚古尔文学奖。萨尔维尔抵达德鲁昂饭店的时候,全体评委对其报以掌声。萨尔维尔没有掩饰自己的激动,眼里闪烁着泪花:“这是高兴的眼泪,我们很多人都哭了。”她说,作品进入决赛以来的
At 0500 hours on Wednesday, November 5, 2014, Bernard Beowor, chairman of the Dungon Hotel in Paris and the jury of the Gonul Literature Prize, announces that in the fifth round of voting, the French writer Lydie Salville Pas pleurer of Lydie Salvayre defeated the Algerian author Kamel Daoud’s Meursault (contre-enquête) by a 5: 4 vote, , Won the 2014 Gongur Literary Award. When Solvill arrived at the Drouon Hotel, all the judges applauded him. Salville did not hide his excitement, his eyes flashing tears: “This is a happy tear, many of us are crying. ” She said that since the work into the final