野鸦椿种子采收后去蜡处理,采取随采随播、湿沙贮藏(催芽)至第3年春播种、湿沙贮藏(催芽)至第2年春再转入林地腐殖土(催芽)至第3年春播种试验;并将催芽处理的种子进行不同密度播种试验,比较苗木生长量和质量、产量。结果表明:随采随播的种子发芽率最低,仅为6.7%,后2种贮藏(催芽)处理的种子发芽率均较高,分别达81.1%、78.7%;不同密度播种以株行距8 cm×10 cm的苗木质量、产量较适宜,苗木生长整齐,平均地径、苗高、主根长度、≥5 cm长Ⅰ级侧根数分别达0.65 cm、35.5 cm、20.6 cm、22.7条;平均苗木产量达73.75万株·hm~(-2)。
After the wild poplar seeds were harvested and waxed, they were taken into the forest humus soil (germinated) by picking and sowing, wet sand storage (germination) till the third year of spring planting, wet sand storage (germination) till the second year of spring The third year of spring planting trials; and germination of the seeds were sown at different densities, seedling growth and quality comparison, yield. The results showed that the seed germination rate was the lowest (6.7%) and the seed germination rate was 81.1% and 78.7% respectively after the two kinds of seeds were stored (germination) × 10 cm seedling quality, the yield is more suitable, the seedlings grow neatly, average diameter, seedling height, main root length, ≥5 cm long Ⅰ grade lateral root number were 0.65 cm, 35.5 cm, 20.6 cm, 22.7; Up to 737500 plants · hm -2.