一、基本概况 漳州天宝地处九龙江畔,全镇有20个自然村,总耕地面积三万八千亩。这里自然环境优越,气候温和,雨量充沛,无霜期长,土层深厚,土壤肥沃,排灌方便。当地出产的香蕉以品质特别优良获得国内很高的声誉。这里栽培香蕉有悠久的历史,蕉农具有丰富的生产经验,平均亩产1250公斤,高产的达2250~2400公斤。山美、天宝、珠里三个自然村为种蕉较高产的村,其中山美村最高亩产可达3500公斤,单株最高产量达61.2公斤。栽培品种以台湾蕉为主,占耕地面积60~70%,天宝蕉约占30%左右,山美村1976年引进少量墨西哥3、4号,其它粉蕉、柴蕉仅房前宅后零星种植,数量很少。栽培面积和产量随政策改变起很大变化,见表1。1971年大
First, the basic profile Zhangzhou Tianbao is located in Kowloon River, the town has 20 villages, the total cultivated area of 38,000 acres. Here the natural environment, mild climate, abundant rainfall, long frost-free period, deep soil, fertile soil, irrigation and drainage convenience. The locally produced bananas have gained a very high reputation in the country for their exceptional quality. Banana cultivation here has a long history, banana farmers have rich experience in production, the average yield of 1250 kilograms, high yield of 2250 ~ 2400 kg. Sanmei, Tianbao, Zhuzuli three villages for the plantation of higher yield of the village, of which the highest yield in the United States mountain village up to 3500 kg, the highest yield of 61.2 kg per plant. Cultivars are mainly from Taiwan, occupying 60-70% of the cultivated land and about 30% of Tianbao Banana. In 1976, Shanmei introduced a small amount of Mexican No. 3 and No.4. ,Small number. Cultivated area and output vary greatly with policy changes, see Table 1. Large 1971