有人敲门,但我真不想起床: “请进!”“有您的信!”门外是一个年轻姑娘的声音。这是邮递员娜佳。她圆圆的脸庞,肤色红润,明亮的眼睛里总闪烁着快活的蓝色。她每天给我们送来信件及报刊,随身也带来冬日令人神爽的清新。我掀开被子,走到门前。
Someone knocked on the door, but I really did not want to get up: “Please!” “With your letter!” The door is a young girl’s voice. This is postman Na Jia. Her round face, rosy, bright eyes always flashing happy blue. She sent us daily letters and newspapers, with the winter also brought fresh and refreshing. I opened the quilt and went to the door.