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哪些行业将发生外资并购 外资进入中国证券市场主要有以下三种基本模式:一是外商独资企业通过IPO进入A、B股市场的模式。二是合资企业作为发起人参与国内企业的改制与上市的模式。三是外资以收购国内上市公司股份成为大股东,上市公司变成合资公司的模式。从目前来看,外资通过IPO直接进入国内股市在操作层面的难度仍然较大,通过并购进入中国证券市场将会成为外资上市的主要模式。 Which industries will occur Foreign capital mergers and acquisitions Foreign capital into the Chinese securities market mainly in the following three basic modes: First, wholly foreign-owned enterprises through the IPO into the A, B-share market model. Second, the joint venture as a sponsor to participate in the restructuring of domestic enterprises and the market model. Third, foreign investors have become a major shareholder in the acquisition of shares of domestic listed companies, and listed companies have become joint ventures. From the current point of view, foreign direct investment in the domestic stock market through the IPO is still more difficult in the operational level, through mergers and acquisitions to enter the Chinese stock market will become the main mode of foreign capital listed.
“恒源祥,羊!羊!羊!”耳熟能详的广告词。 2003年元旦刚过,我去采访“恒源祥”老总刘瑞旗。从一家只有180多平方米的小商店起家,在不到10年时间里,在他的精心策划下,绒线年产
ImprovementofthelampofKelerindirectophthalmoscopeYANGQing眼科用美国间接检眼镜灯泡工作电压为6V,功率为20W。因临床大夫在做检查时长时间使用及频繁开关,造成灯泡寿命下降,甚至短期内报废。原装进... ImprovementofthelampofKelerindirect
○By the end of 1991, there have beenaltogether 479 cities in mainland China, anincrease of 12 over the previous year. Theurban population in the mainland was3
(一)企业财务制度改革的目标:新修订《企业财务通则》是推进企业财务制度体系全面改革的、艰巨的系 (A) the goal of the reform of corporate financial system: a new rev