目的 研究钢丝绳隔振器的静态、动态特性.方法 模拟隔振器的实际安装情况,利用正弦扫频激励方法,测量其动态特性.结果 获得了加载和卸载变形曲线、频响函数曲线和振动传递率曲线.结论 所得结果对分析该隔振器性能有实际应用价值.
Objective To study the static and dynamic characteristics of the wire rope vibration isolator.METHODS The actual installation of the vibration isolator was simulated and the dynamic characteristics of the isolator were measured by sinusoidal swept frequency excitation method.Results The deformation curves of load and unload, frequency response function curve and vibration transmission Rate curve.Conclusion The results obtained have practical application in the analysis of the performance of the vibration isolator.