Spasm, commonly known as cramps. The reasons for the occurrence of spastic movement, traditionally considered to be due to nerve stimulation and muscle spasms. Now Alan doctors in the United Kingdom think: muscle cramps are due to the accumulation of body metabolites in muscle tissue, which hindered the normal muscle contraction. He discovered a new mechanism of muscle spasms and proposed that sodium ions and glucose neutralize the muscle’s metabolites. Second, due to inadequate preparation activities, some conditions needed for muscle work can not be met, muscle contraction is too frequent, excessive tension and spasm. In addition, as cardiopulmonary function temporarily fail to meet the requirements, the exercise did not pay attention to deepen the breath, premature exercise after exercise, eat too much before exercise, drink too much, eat gas or difficult to digest food, abdominal cold, Fasting exercise can cause cramps. The specific approach is: spasm immediately lie down or sit down, the use of pull, pull, press, pressure, push, rub, rub and other practices acting on the painful site. If you are resistant