【目的】通过对新疆乌什县8个核桃主栽乡新温185号(Juglans regia‘Xinwen185’)叶样的采集与分析,旨在了解新温185号核桃树体营养盈亏状况,以期为乌什县新温185号的优质丰产栽培提供施肥需求的科学依据。【方法】采用化学分析方法,测定新温185号核桃叶样营养元素氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)浓度,并运用诊断与施肥建议综合法(DRIS)分析新温185号树体营养元素盈亏状况。【结果】新温185号核桃DRIS诊断指标为叶片K、Fe浓度和N/K、P/K、P/Mg、P/Mn、K/Zn、K/Mn、Ca/K、Ca/Mg、Mg/K、Fe/N、Fe/P、Fe/K、Fe/Cu、Fe/Zn、Cu/K、Cu/Mg浓度比值;新疆乌什县新温185号核桃树体营养元素浓度平衡值为N:26.135 g/kg、P:3.673 g/kg、K:11.349 g/kg、Ca:33.329 g/kg、Mg:10.403g/kg、Fe:346.367mg/kg、Mn:103.891mg/kg、Cu:12.193mg/kg、Zn:33.362mg/kg。【结论】新疆乌什县新温185号核桃树体N、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn营养元素以缺乏为主,P、K、Cu营养元素以供应充足为主。科学、合理施肥是新温185号核桃优质丰产栽培的必要条件。
【Objective】 The objective of this study was to collect and analyze the leaf samples of 8 walnut cultivars, Juglans regia’Xinwen185 ’, in Wushi County of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. High-yield cultivation of Xinwen 185 in Shixian County provides the scientific basis for fertilizer application. 【Method】 The contents of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese Mn, Cu and Zn, and analyzed the profit and loss status of nutrient elements in Xinwen No.151 by using the diagnostic and fertilization recommendation integrated method (DRIS). 【Result】 The results showed that the diagnostic index of DRIS of Xinwen No.185 was leaf K, Fe concentration and N / K, P / K, P / Mg, P / Mn, K / Zn, K / Mn, Ca / Mg / K, Fe / N, Fe / P, Fe / K, Fe / Cu, Fe / Zn, Cu / K and Cu / K: 11.349 g / kg, Ca: 33.329 g / kg, Mg: 10.403 g / kg, Fe: 346.367 mg / kg, Mn: 103.891 mg / kg for N: 26.135 g / kg P: 3.673 g / Cu: 12.193 mg / kg, Zn: 33.362 mg / kg. 【Conclusion】 N, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn nutrients in Xinweng 185, Wushi County, Xinjiang Province, are mainly lacking while P, K and Cu nutrients are mainly supplied abundantly. Scientific and reasonable fertilization is the necessary condition for high-yielding and high-yielding walnut in Xinwen 185.