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近几年我们收治了各种原因造成的严重脑损伤而致植物状态患者,筛选出无严重并发症患者124例,针对其脑损伤部位和性质及临床表现给予系统的综合刺激疗法治疗一个疗程(3个月),结果表明对病人意识和功能的恢复具有较大作用。1 资料符合植物状态患者诊断标准,即对自身和外界的认知功能完全丧失,能睁眼,不能理解或表达语言,有睡眠觉醒周期,丘脑下部及脑干功能基本保存,持续一个月以上者。男96例,女28例。最大年龄72岁,最小年龄4岁。病因中脑外伤79例,脑血管意外(出血、梗塞)27例,缺血缺氧性脑病(休克、心跳呼吸停止复苏后)10例,脑炎4例,CO中毒、药物中毒等4例。入院时病程最长者5年3个月,最短者32天。按照植物状态评分标准,完全性植物状态(1~3分)102例,不完全性植物状态(4~7分)22例。 In recent years, we treated a variety of causes of severe brain injury caused by plant-state patients, screening out 124 patients without serious complications, for its brain injury site and nature and clinical manifestations of systemic stimulation therapy to give a course of treatment 3 months), the results show that the recovery of patient awareness and function have a greater role. 1 data meet the diagnostic criteria of patients in the state of the plant, that is, complete loss of their cognitive function and outside world, can open their eyes, can not understand or express language, sleep awakening cycle, hypothalamus and brainstem function was basically preserved for more than a month . 96 males and 28 females. The oldest is 72 years and the youngest is 4 years. Etiology of traumatic brain injury in 79 cases, 27 cases of cerebrovascular accident (bleeding, infarction), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (shock, heart resuscitation stopped after resuscitation) in 10 cases, 4 cases of encephalitis, CO poisoning, drug poisoning in 4 cases. The longest duration of admission 5 years and 3 months, the shortest of 32 days. According to the plant status grading standards, there were 102 cases of complete plant state (1 to 3 points) and 22 cases of incomplete plant state (4 to 7 points).
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自80年代始,鲁迅研究进入了优质高产的新时期。这时期可分为三个阶段,基本走向是突破禁区后,又从繁华走向宁静,虽然不再轰动,却在走向成熟 Since the 1980s, Lu Xun’s research ha
有人认为吸烟可延迟十二指肠溃疡的愈合。本文评价持续吸烟对用甲氰咪胍或大剂量 Mylanta Ⅰ(编者按:Mylanta Ⅰ液每5ml 含氢氧化铝400mg,氢氧化镁400mg,二甲基硅油30mg)治