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“逆反”心理是指在一定外界因素作用下,对某种事物产生厌恶、反感情绪,从而采取逆向的态度以及对外界的劝导作出背道而驰的举动。这种心理状态在六年级学生中表现较为普遍。学生一旦产生逆反心理,随之对学习就产生消极态度。鉴此,老师千万不可掉以轻心,本文就六年级学生逆反心理的成因及对策谈谈粗浅的看法。一、六年级学生逆反心理形成的原因1.好奇心的驱使。受好奇心的驱使,他们喜欢新事物。事实说明,好奇心过强能形成一种特殊的心理需要,这种心理上的认知需要可以转化为学习活动的动机,诱发学习兴趣,促使学习者去探索有关的事物和认知信息。小学高 “Counterattack ” Mentality refers to the action of a certain external factors, aversion to something, aversion to emotions, so as to take the attitude of the opposite and to the outside world persuasion to make a counter-move. This state of mind is more common among sixth graders. Once the students produce rebellious psychology, followed by learning to have a negative attitude. In view of this, the teacher must not be taken lightly, this article on the causes and countermeasures of sixth-grade students to talk about the superficial view. First, the reasons for the formation of sixth-year students inverse psychology 1. Driven by curiosity. Driven by curiosity, they like new things. Facts show that too much curiosity can form a special psychological needs, this psychological needs can be translated into motivation for learning activities, induce interest in learning, prompting learners to explore the relevant things and cognitive information. High school