At the crucial moment when we received the file into the museum, the State Archives released the “General Rules for the Work of Archives”. This is a major event on the archives front and is a guide and sharp weapon for our archives work. It has shown a huge role in our reception of archives into the museum and brought a welcome change to my county archives work. As of the end of September, 48 archiving units had handed over archives to the Archives and received a total of 3660 volumes, of which 3814 are in permanent and 476 are in long-term acceptance Two hundred and fifty-three books. At present, there are still 2,080 volumes being received and the receiving task can be completed by the end of October. Upon receipt, the collection of archives 85 Fonds, 11,414 volumes, greatly enriched the collection of content. Recalling the course of this journey, the achievements of our file reception work have been attributed to the earnest study and implementation of the General Principles of Archives Work. Specifically