Preparation and Its Properties of Vanadium Carbide Coating Through B_4C Reducing V_2O_5

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hey_yuan
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A vanadium carbide coating on steel’s substrates was prepared through B 4C reducing V 2O 5 in molten salt bath. The thickness of VC-coating reached 14-18μm at 920℃ for 6 h, and the hardness of VC-coating reached HV2200-HV2400. The sliding wear resistance of the VC-coating is not only 3350 times of that of SCN-coating, but also more excellent than that of other VC-coatings, prepared through aluminum reducing V 2O 5 or through TD processing. The experimental results indicate that the different VC-coating resistances to wear and corrosion increase with a raise of the free carbon contents in VC-coatings. The continuous service life of a tongue grooves of the high speed cigarette machines, with this VC-coating, reached good results of 140-150 days. The thickness of VC-coating reached 14-18 μm at 920 ° C. for 6 h, and the hardness of VC-coating reached HV2200-HV2400. The sliding wear resistance of the VC-coating is not only 3350 times of that of SCN-coating, but also more excellent than that of other VC-coatings, prepared through aluminum reducing V 2O 5 or through TD processing. The experimental results indicate that the continuous service life of a tongue grooves of the high speed cigarette machines, with this VC-coating, reached good results of 140 -150 days.
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一、制作材料和工具  乳娃娃饮料瓶,中号粗铁丝,锥子,钳子。  二、制作方法  1.用锥子在洗净消毒过的饮料瓶底部戳一小孔(能够穿过铁丝即可)。  2.用钳子将铁丝剪成长短不同的若干段,用于制作大、中、小不同型号的瓶圈。  3.将铁丝穿过瓶子底部小孔后围成圆形,将铁丝两端连接处用钳子拧紧,并将拧好的铁丝连接部位套入瓶子里。  三、玩法  大号瓶圈  1.钻山洞:部分幼儿手持瓶圈一端做“山洞”,其余
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当前白内障已成为致盲的主要原因。兰州市第一人民医院眼科针对这一难题,新开展老年性白内障囊外摘除及后房型人工晶体植入术,使白内障手术获得突破性进展。 1990年,兰州市