1982年5月,阿哈默德·费兹被提名为1982年诺贝尔文学奖的候选人,对于熟悉这位巴基斯坦诗人作品的人们说来,这毫不足怪,在三十年代中期印度民族主义运动和马克思主义“进步作家”运动的影响下,费兹的作品广泛反映了人道主义的观点,表达了对独裁主义社会中个人自由的深切关注。1962年他荣获苏联列宁和平奖金。虽然1982年10月瑞典皇家学会把本年度诺贝尔文学奖授予了哥伦比亚小说家马尔克斯,但是文学界仍然称颂费兹是世界上最著名的诗人之一。《文学评论》杂志撰稿人卡拉·卡波拉对费兹的成就作了如下的评述: 1943年,费兹第一部诗集《抱怨的形象》一面世就在乌尔都语诗坛上赢得了地位。这部诗集的许多独特风格一直是费兹全部作品的显著特征。例
In May 1982, Ahmad Fitz was nominated to be a candidate for the 1982 Nobel Prize for Literature, which is no surprise to those familiar with the Pakistani poet’s work. In the mid-1930s, Indian nationalism Under the influence of the Movement and the “Progressive Writer” movement of Marxism, Fitz’s work reflects a wide range of humanitarian perspectives and expresses its deep concern for individual freedom in authoritarian societies. In 1962 he won the peace prize of the Soviet Union Lenin. Although the Royal Swedish Society awarded the current year’s Nobel Prize for Literature to Colombian novelist Marquez in October 1982, the literary community still lauds Fitz is one of the world’s most famous poets. Carla Capola, a writer for Literary Critics, commented on Fitz’s achievements as follows: In 1943, Fitz’s first poem “The Image of Grievances” was earned in Urdu’s poetry world status. Many of the unique styles of this collection have always been notable features of Fitz’s entire work. example