人群对白喉的免疫力,取决于血清中的白喉抗毒素(DAT)的含量。测定的传统方法是锡克氏试验。近年来已有报导应用比较敏感的间接血凝方法。我们应用间接血凝方法和锡克氏试验对715名健康人进行了白喉抗体水平的测定,现将结果报告如下:材料与方法一、对象选择: 选择通辽县钱家店公社镇的高中生、初中生、小学生和学令前儿童及钱家店公社所属17个生产大队的小学生、学令前儿童,入托幼儿进行抽样调查。
The immunity of the population to diphtheria depends on the level of diphtheria antitoxin (DAT) in the serum. The traditional method of determination is the Sick’s test. In recent years, it has been reported that the application of the more sensitive indirect hemagglutination method. We use the indirect hemagglutination method and the Sick’s test of 715 healthy people diphtheria antibody levels, the results are reported as follows: Materials and methods First, the object selection: Select Tongliao County Qianjiadian commune town high school students, Primary school pupils, primary pupils and former school children and the 17 production brigade of the Qianjiadian commune were enrolled in a sample survey of former children and nurseries.